Next edition: February 25-28, 2025❗ Join us❗ 🔥🔥🔥  


Export support instruments as a way to develop furniture sales on export markets


The third day is intended primarily for exporters and companies that aspire to win over new foreign markets.


Time (CET)

Session title


10:00 – 10:50

New export support system offered by KUKE group.

Piotr Maciaszek


Piotr Paczyński


11.10 – 12.00

Santander Trade Portal - as a tool to support foreign trade for companies.

During this meeting, we will try to answer the following questions:

  • How to change the supply chain together with a bank?
  • How to find a reliable business partner?
  • How to secure a transaction?

Anna Wierzbicka, Robert Fedorowicz

Santander Bank Polska

12.20 – 13.10

The Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) supports in the internationalization of activities and promotion on global markets and presentation of the Polish Tech Bridges and Expo 2020 Dubai projects.

Investment incentives in Poland and new rules for awarding government grants.

Anastazja Kaczmarek,

Natalia Dąbrowska,

Leszek Kołodziejczyk,

Michał Radek, PAIH

13.30 – 14.15

International FCI factoring at Santander Bank

Increasing the security of commercial transactions with the recipient is one of the elements that exporters pay special attention to. An interesting solution is the so-called Export factoring in the system of two factors (without recourse), in which the risk of insolvency of a foreign recipient is assumed by the Import Partner (a foreign factor operating in the recipient's country). This type of factoring guarantees smooth financing of the current activity even in the case of non-payment by the Recipient.

During this meeting, we will try to answer the following questions:

  • How to find and verify foreign contractors?
  • How to secure payments from recipients?
  • How to finance the sale?
  • How to check the credibility of the company you want to cooperate with?

Dorota Szcześniak, Maciej Mocek,

Santander Factoring


Full event program