SAFE BUSINESS - safety standards at MEBLE POLSKA 2022
The safety of exhibitors and trade fair visitors is the top priority of Grupa MTP. High sanitary standards aim to mitigate as much as possible the potential for Covid-19 transmission during the MEBLE POLSKA 2022.
Grupa MTP strictly observes the governmental guidelines concerning the organisation of trade fairs.
Sanitary rules regarding keeping a distance, covering the mouth and nose or disinfecting hands while entering and leaving the event are strictly observed during the events organised.
Further potential changes to the applicable regulations will depend on COVID pandemic developments.
Please follow the safety rules below during the event:
Wash and sanitize your hands
Disinfectant dispensers have been installed in all common areas of the MTP Poznań Expo. Touch surfaces (e.g. countertops, tables, handrails, door handles) and toilets are disinfected several times a day by the cleaning service.

Cover mouth and nose
Exhibitors and visitors are required to cover their mouths and noses both inside and outside the pavilions, with the exception of food service areas where they eat.

Keep a safe distance
With online registration and online ticketing, we constantly monitor the number of visitors and ensure that a minimum distance of 2 meters is always maintained. We have also widened the passageways in the exhibition space.

Limit the use of cash, pay by credit card
At the event, we encourage you to pay only by credit card or other form of electronic payment.

Register online
You won't have to queue at the ticket office. At the same time you will save - the ticket for professionals is free online only. A ticket purchased at the ticket office after registration costs 50 PLN.

Avoid shaking hands
In the interest of mutual safety, we greet and say goodbye to our business partners and customers in a non-contact way.

Cover your mouth
When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth with your elbow or a tissue. By doing so, you are protecting all persons in the event area.

Air circulation
Our spacious exhibition space is equipped with modern ventilation systems. With open and ventilated pavilions, we maintain proper air circulation at all times.

Stay home if ->
- you have symptoms of infection,
- you are under quarantine or isolation,
- you have had contact with a person suspected of being infected, infected or ill with COVID-19 within the last 14 days.
If the recommendations of the Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry, the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate and the state authorities concerning the organization of fair events change, the safety rules at Meble Polska will be adjusted to the current guidelines.